Ja det regnar. Varför gör det det? De fyra teorierna om källan till regn är följande(enligt uncyclopedia):
Anglican Theory of Creation
The controversial Anglican Theory that states rain is a man-made phenomena invented in England still has many followers to this day. According to this highly scientific and reliable theory, rain is believed to have been invented around 1812 by the British using Cats and Dogs in order to hold off those damn Americans invading Canada from the south. This was later stopped to do its impracticality* and later replaced by the now-prevalent water-acid variant, which seems to be more effective.
Anglican Rain Theorists and authors write that there is enough written evidence to support this theory and that it should be taught in schools as another alternative. Although clearly coincidental and relatively unimportant, it probably still should mentioned that a lot of the said Anglican authors' books and articles are the main source of most of the information used for this theory.
(*Although cats have nine lives, allowing 9 times the amount of cats to fall from the sky, the cats always landed safely on their feet, defeating the point of their falling in the first place.)
Biblical Theory of Aftermath
Most of those who do not follow the Anglican Theory of Creation choose to believe that rain is just leftover runoff from the Great Flood. When confronted with the fact that the remaining Great Floodwater was on land, and that rain comes from the sky, the Biblical Theorists rebuttal by claiming that science has got it wrong and that groundwater can indeed fall out of the sky and that one just needs some more faith.
Another version of this theory claims that instead, rain is leftover water from the rains that actually caused the Great Flood. This is a very satisfactory reason why we experience less water in rain as time goes by and more acid rain, as God is beginning to run out of regular water to use. Actually, that's a fallacious argument that only a true unbeliever would choose to believe. God will never run out of rain----every rain is God and God is every rain and every rain is rain as is God, who is commmonly called "Yo, Rain" when hangin with his posse, The Yu Tang Rain.
Burt Bacharach Theory of Neglect
This theory has grown in popularity over the last 50 years. Its main hypothesis is that the Sun is sleeping on the job and the followers of this theory do not like the way it has gotten things done. Whether this explains the reason why raindrops keep falling on your head (and indeed on my head) remains to be decided. As of the Eleventeenth of Never, the general consensus is that the rain they send to greet us will not, in fact, defeat us.
God's Just Feeling Like Shit
Every so often, as the theory goes, God looks down
upon His creation and goes, "Oh my fucking Me, what have I done?" The rain is his tears. Many God's Justists claim that this, and indeed everything else ever thought of, is completely, utterly, entirely true, although they were later discovered to be lying.
To continue: Although He is often looking at the United States when He says this, the constant rotation of the Earth causes most of the teary rain to fall on the UK instead. Thanks for that guys.
Any attempts to change the rotation so that rain may fall on the drier, more needier locations upon Earth's surface have so far failed to come up with satisfactory results, in fact, quite the contrary.
Så. Då vet ni det.
Idag har dagen förflutit. I sakta mak har den tuffat på och inte kommit någonvart. Som jag. Jag var med på det tuffande tåget och kom ingen vart. Men jag har trots allt åstadkommit någonting även om det inte har tagit mig någonstans. Jag bakade lussebullar till exempel. Eller ja, familjen fixade det mesta, jag rullade ihop ett par tre stycken och åt en. Bra gjort av mig. Jag har även sett på när mina småsyskon gjorde "natten går tunga fjät" som de kallar det(luciasak alltså). Och idag kom adventsljusstakarna upp. Om man ska lyda goda vänners råd bör man i juletid kompensera folk, som man inte drar jämt med, genom att köpa dyra saker till varann. Ja vem vet. Det kanske är en beprövad och godtagbar metod. Ja julen. och tomten

Och jag kom genom en msn-konversation osökt att tänka på Obelix. Jag älskar verkligen Asterix och Obelix. Jag tänker på en serie, minns inte vilken, där miraculix(druiden) blir bortrövad av goterna. Minns inte om det var östgoterna från väst eller västgoterna från öst men jaja. Obelix heter Steinríkur på isländska, Oberikkusu på japanska och Cromleax på skotts gäliska.

Dagen är snart slut och Fröken E.J ber mig att vara social via msn. Jag har svårt för det men för säkerhets skull använde jag mig av ett beprövat knep. Jag tror det fungerar. Det fungerar ser jag.
Nu ska jag ta upp nästa sak man måste hålla med mig om. Förakta Idol. Varför? ok det ska jag tala om.
1. Darin (född 2 juni 1987
i Vällingby, Stockholms län, är en popsångare med rötter från irakiska Kurdistan)
Jag menar Vällingby? Hur låter inte det? Redan där borde man ana misstankar. Och 1987... två år för tidigt? Den här människan är ett fullgott exempel på dålig tv.
Så... nu förstår ni mig allihop. Bra. Äh... det blev ingenting av det här. Adjö.